The Journey of twenty-two hundred miles begins with just a single step. Lao Tzu (paraphrased) This blog is mainly about my excursion upon the Appalachian Trail. This is a journey that has been 15 years in the planning stage and on March 20, 2022 it will see that plan being executed. Please feel free to leave comments and follow me on the social media of your choosing.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pinhoti Trail

Only 27 more days until the Pinhoti. I am starting from the Trammel Trailhead Pinhoti Trail, which one can now find on Google Maps due to my diligent tracking using the satellite imagery (yes, I am being smuged and self satisfied).   
I am going to try for 12 miles a day, which should put me into Cave Spring, Ga.  on the 22nd. I'll spend the night stereo at one of the bed and breakfast and have my wingman, Chuck, pick me up that Saturday. Now, if I can't keep up a 12 mile a day pace then hopefully I can make it to Highpoint Trailhead outside of Piedmount. This is where I started two years ago when walked the trail before but anyhoo I am making sure I knock out 5 miles a day. 
I'm still working on my gear and I'll post a list when I'm done. 

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