The Journey of twenty-two hundred miles begins with just a single step. Lao Tzu (paraphrased) This blog is mainly about my excursion upon the Appalachian Trail. This is a journey that has been 15 years in the planning stage and on March 20, 2022 it will see that plan being executed. Please feel free to leave comments and follow me on the social media of your choosing.

Friday, March 20, 2015

What a Disaster...

Day one didn't go as plan. I knew it wouldn't but it seems like I may have been knocked out of the running already. 
First it took me an hour more to get out of the house. That's to be expected. 
Then there was some major snafu with Marta. The bus I was under the impression would be an express to the Cumberland Mall; wasn't. 
Then the bus I was to connect with at Cumberland didn't go to the East-West connector. I had to get off at King Bridge Rd and walk. The walking I had no problem with, it was the time element. I got to the Mavell Rd trailhead at 15:30. 
I moved at a steady pace but when night fell I found myself only at the Anderson Farm Rd crossing. Seven miles short of where I needed to be. 
Oh, and then there was the dog wiz on my clothes but that's a totally different story. 
I decided to make my way to the Holiday Inn Express on the East-West Connector near Anderson Farm Rd to get a room for the night. As I was stepping into their parking lot I was met with some excruciating pain in my left foot. I was able to keep my composure as I got the room and in the room I pulled the shoe off only to find that a gianormus blister that had formed between the big toe and the second toe, and went around the webbing had burst. I was clueless to it forming into existence. 
And as I write this, my little thermometer strip saids that I have a temp of 101.3

Finishing this trip is starting to look pretty slim. 

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