The Journey of twenty-two hundred miles begins with just a single step. Lao Tzu (paraphrased) This blog is mainly about my excursion upon the Appalachian Trail. This is a journey that has been 15 years in the planning stage and on March 20, 2022 it will see that plan being executed. Please feel free to leave comments and follow me on the social media of your choosing.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Roadtrip 2019: April 2 - Day 3

After another night of dead sleeping I awoke to Auntie's breakfast that can't be beat.  Farm eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, and biscuits; sure went down good.  Then after visiting with them for a spell, with trying to figure out the WiFi password as part of the verbal exchange (my uncle had written it down but couldn't remember where), I went into the garage and tended to Razorback.
First thing was to check out the chain: the tension was still spot on.  Then tire pressure, which was good.  And then to check the oil level, still good.  The tires still had plenty of thread, the breaks still had plenty of pad, which is a good thing, and since none else maintenance wise was due Razorback was certified for another thousand miles or two.

My uncle has some goop be gone and so I used it to get off the bug mess from the windshield, front, mirrors back, and the forward side of the panniers.  Upon the left side pannier was a big green mess where some bug met it's demise.  I believe I remember that hit when the cycle lurched sideways for some unexplained reason.  I'm glad the bug hadn't hit me or I'da be in the ICU blogging again.

Soon I had Razorback clean and sun bathing.  Auntie had to go into town to get some therapy on her shoulder and we had agreed on lunch after she returned.  So, I made myself comfortable and did some couch surfing.  When Auntie got home she didn't want to wake me so she let me sleep.  My surfing went from a small nap to a 4 plus hour one.  When I awoke it was time for dinner.  But instead of waking up groggy, sore, or achy, I woke feeling refresh.  I needed that nap.

After a dinner of homemade cheese enchiladas and cornbread we basically sat around and talked that slow time filling conversation talk that isn't meant to go anywhere.  I showed my uncle how to use airdrop on the I phone and now I have about 500 new pictures of who knows what.  He's like a small child when you give him a new toy.  I'm just like him.

Even though it had only been about 5 hours since I awoke from my nap I was feeling sleepy again.  So, I went and got Razorback back into the garage, closed the garage door, then closed the front gate.  I bid my father's sibling and wife a "good night" and then slept again. 

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