Anyone that has been around me personally know that there are two things I'm constantly worried about where they are: Waldo and Waldo Jr.
Waldo is this black leather Legal Jr Pad cover that can be zipped up. It keeps my check-book, stamps, upcoming bills, and a lot of other financial paraphernalia. Back when my truck tended to be my office i kept Waldo there and it would migrate around the cab from time to time until I could locate it. Now that I have Razorback, Waldo tends to stay in one place in the house and if I get it to do some financial transactions I replace it as soon as I'm done. It's been a while since I've had a Where's Waldo episode.
Waldo Jr is my iPhone. An old iPhone 4 that I have protected with a griffin rip off. I tend to check on it's whereabout constantly. I have a holder for it on Razorback. It's connected to the handle bars so I can see if a text message come in, but that doesn't mean that I'll instantly answer. It allows to me to be aware plus I can charge it while it's on the cycle.
This evening I saddled up to go and take my dinner at the truck-stop at the interstate. I started heading north and had just passed the highway and Church street intersection when something hit me: Literally! Even tho I placed Waldo Jr in it's cradle I failed to properly secured it. Waldo Jr was what hit me as it came out of it's cradle and went flying into the road. I was able to fight the impulse to jump off a moving cycle and dive after the phone but emergency stopping maneuvers was now in order. I came to a stop at the entrance to Moreland Oaks.
I whipped my head around to see if I could spot where Waldo Jr laid in the road and a course this was one of those times when a portal had opened to allow a bazillion cars to transverse this same section of road. I had to wait until the traffic died down a smidge before I could turn the cycle around and head back looking. I used the emergency flashers on Razorback in an attempt to keep all these other drivers from trying to use me as a speed bump. The attempt was successful. I went back as far as the Church St. intersection again and saw nothing. I parked the bike at that old service station that has had various other uses in the decades since it last service cars traversing the highways. I dismounted and started walking the shoulder trying to spot what I feared was only bits and pieces of Waldo Jr. on the road. I walked against traffic back to the entrance to Moreland Oaks crossed the road and then walking against traffic again I headed back towards Razorback. Two doors down from the entrance to Moreland Oaks I spotted Waldo Jr. in the grass in the yard, face down.
Waldo was laying there without it's protected case and I picked it up with the anticipation of finding the face cracked and the phone not working. I turned it over and Miracle of Miracles! not only was there no cracks on the face but the phone came on and worked like nothing happened. A diligent search around the area and I found the case and it's faceplate. It had taken minor damaged and I'm going to go ahead and replace it, but for now it's still serviceable.
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