A call goes out last night for a 10-50I {that's an accident with injuries} on the interstate at around MM6. The description was of a white dually pickup with a flatbed trailer had overturn and was in the median.
Since we were already in motion, returning to the station from another call, our response was immediate. Here we go, hurling through the night, risking life and limb from the miscalculation of road hazards, wildlife wrongly demanding the right-of-way, and other drivers that just totally lose it when they see flashing lights and throw all common sense out the window.
We called for a bird to be put on standby and county fire called that the bird be put in the air {before anyone even knew what the extent of any injuries could be}. When approaching the overpass at MM6 I started to slow down looking to see if our quarry could be spotted. This is usually accomplished by being able to sport the flashing lights of other public safety units that has arrived before us.
Well, a quick check of the rear view mirrors confirmed that we were leading the charge and that it was up to us to be the first on the scene. Right as we were going under the overpass, my partner and myself just happen to glance over to the right, simultaneously, and spotted a white dually pickup with a flat bed trailer sitting under the overpass ~ right side up (?). I brung the unit to a rapid halt just pass this sight, we reported where we were, secured the unit, grabbed our reflective vest and jumped out to sally around to the back to grab out instruments of destruction. I did another quick look at the vehicle to see if I could detect any clues for any special equipment other than the normal we grab for such a situation when I notice that something "didn't look right". It was mainly the windshield that stilled looked intact. I started walking towards this pick-up, that only damage that could be seen was that the driver side front tire was blown and that it tore up the bumper on that left side, and notice that there was items in the back seat that instead of being stroded all over the cabin ~ wasn't. I reached the cab and a quick look inside confirmed my suspicion; no body home. My partner checked the hood for warmth and the hood was very cool.
By this time all the rest of the posse has arrived, County Fire, SO, GPS, and even West Point had a unit on scene to lend support. We all concluded that this must have happened much earlier and that the driver had left the vehicle and walked, hopefully to find help. So, leaving the scene in the hands of the Law Enforcement, all the rest of us bided each other an adios and returned to our respected quarters.
But personally, I hope the off-spring of a female canine experience the joys of their cell phone self-destructing while they are trying to punk'd public safety and callin' 911.
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